Monday, February 3, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up YEAHHHHH

Hello, Lovelies! 

My darling friend Rachael and Lisa are hosting a weekly wrap up link up! Of course I was going to join in!

So, on Monday and Tuesday, my school got called off because of the snow and the cold. It was pretty cool, I basically did nothing and got to sleep in, so YAY! My lovely Mama took the boy and I out to Applebees on Tuesday night! It was so yummy! Then we made Pink Lemonade Cupcakes ( from a box.. I'm not that creative lol) which everyone loved!

Wednesday, I went back to school (boo!!!). It was really cold out and I did not appreciate it. I literally felt like I got frostbite just by taking off my glove to change the song on my iPhone. Booooooooooo. 

Thursday was a really lazy day and I took a personal snow day.. (Shhh!) I also had to work which was alright. I actually made my sales goal and finally replaced my name tag at work. Corey and I also made a pretty great dinner of Orange Chicken, Rice and Biscuits.. lol.

Friday night was pretty legit. I had my first rehearsal for the dance piece I'm in which was a lot of fun! I really look forward to this Friday to learn more! I also ended up going out with my parents, Jake and one of my best friends, Ameera! In Ohio, you're legally allowed to drink at a bar as long as you're with your guardians if you're under 21 (and if the establishment allows it! Not a lot of chains will, but some local restaurants let you) so I took advantage of that and had a really good time! I might have gotten a bit bucky, but oh well.. who doesn't?

On Saturday, I had to work which was super busy! Like oh my goodness! I couldn't handle it! I finally got home and got to relax! My roomie and I made a pinterest recipe while we waited for the other roommate to get home from a party. We had some good talks!

Super Bowl Sunday was anything but watching the Super Bowl. Jake and I made some food, and watched Blackfish, Silver Linings Playbook and Pitch Perfect. Blackfish is really sad, but I'm honestly kind of mixed on how I really felt about it. Like, I totally agree Whales shouldn't be in captivity like that, but then again, Seaworld does do good that wasn't portrayed in the documentary. I think it should have showed both sides, but whatever. I'm not going to go boycott Seaworld. I'll probably still go to the park if I ever get the chance, since it's kind of one of the top amusement parks I want to go to! If you haven't seen Silver Linings Playbook, I also recommend you to rent and watch it! It's a great story and has a cute love story! Pitch Perfect was good like always, no explanation needed there!

The Rachael Way


  1. Sounds like your week ended up with some fun times, girl! :)

  2. Yay so glad you had a fun weekend! Also, loving the personal snow day haha.

  3. I didn't know that about the drinking law in Ohio, interesting! Also, those pink lemonade cupcakes sound delish!
    I'm glad that you were able to link up with us! :)

  4. It looks like you had an awesome week! Congrats on hitting that sales goal and getting to sleep in - that's the best! :) Oh and pink lemonade cupcakes sound so cool! I'll def have to look for a recipe!

    xo Megan, Lush to Blush
